What I Learned on the Forums This Week 61


One of my favorite reactions to people encountering these articles for the first time is the exclamation ‘Is this motherfucker serious?’ That, or similar statements, is a pretty common first impression of this series and I do so enjoy not helping to explain it to anyone who might be confused about what exactly it is I do here. That said, I think this week gets a bit crazy so let’s all just remember that this is a comedy series about comedy, laughs and, most of all, exaggeration. Also the WTC is just around the corner now and I’m unreasonably excited about it! I’m most excited to see Overload member Ciaran ‘Bulging Videos’ Bolger fight the Aussies in a mind scarringly gruesome kilt wrestling match. Don’t pretend you guys didn’t know I was a mental sadist, I read the Forums every day.
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What I Learned on the Forums This Week 60


The WTC lists were released last week and of course everyone on the forums was super excited and supportive of their respective faction’s lists. Well, most people were. Some people were insufferable assholes about it but that’s the way of the internet I suppose. We’re running slightly long this week so a few of the complaints have been ignored. If you want the full forum experience assume that every so often I complain about all Troll players taking Warders. Also conveniently I make no mention of Merc WTC lists because apparently the Merc player base doesn’t give a shit about the WTC. Instead they’re too busy nit picking and bitching at recorded games from the NoVA open because they’re asshats. I for one am insanely excited about the WTC and spent most of my time looking at the lists and not reading the forums. Thankfully enough people complained about stupid threads that I didn’t have to find them for myself. That makes my life so much easier when it happens!
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What I Learned on the Forums This Week 59


Man this has been a hectic week for me so we’re having a bit of a rush job this week. Apologies in advance as my usually appalling spell checking abilities will be even worse. Due to my busy schedule I didn’t get to read the Forums with the regularity that I usually do so I missed some great rage arguments you may have heard about. I missed some asshole calling Tom Guan, and all top players, cheaters with a reputation for palming dice and nudging tables for their advantage. The Mods got to it before I did, probably for the best, but that’s a thing that happened in case you also missed it. Below, however, we have the threads I did manage to read. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
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What I Learned on the Forums This Week Gen Con Special!


It’s Gen Con weekend which means spoilers and spoilers mean Forum Rage! Honestly this wasn’t quite as bad as I expected, it was no Templecon for example. Xerxis2 had a surprisingly positive reception, probably the most positive for a battle engine war-noun, which I did not see coming. The Neraph had no complaints and the majority seemed to like Abby2. That said, it’s not all rainbows and sunshine and you certainly didn’t come here for that sort of content. You want to see the shit, and I gladly provide it! Hope you enjoy!
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What I Learned on the Forums This Week 58


Alright folks, its Gen Con this weekend and that means new spoilers. New spoilers means new forum rage and stupid entitlement. That often means enough content for a special edition of On the Forums! I’ll be reading those threads over the next few days and probably sharing my opinions on them with the rest of you guys in due course. This has resulted in this weeks edition being slightly shorter, though. For now lets look back on the pre-Gen Con forum arguments, many of which will include discussions of models that will likely already have been spoiled by the time you’re reading this! I’m so cutting edge on my reporting. Truth.
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What I Learned on the Forums This Week 57


This past weekend I was at Captain Con and had an absolute blast playing Warmachine and hanging out with super sweet people. I also totally regretted not reading one of this past weeks stupidest threads before the convention because everyone was talking about it and it was weird since usually my Forum knowledge is encyclopedic but here it failed me. Don’t worry dear reader, I read that thread and we’ll be discussing it below, I just should have done my research before the con. I will say, though, that holy shit balls was it dumb. People need to fucking relax about dice. In conclusion, if you’re in the New England area, and even if you’re not, definitely think about going to Captain Con since not only can you play Warmachine you can also laugh about shit that got said on the Forums. What more could you want in life?
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What I Learned on the Forums This Week 56


Alright guys I’m going to level with you coming out of the gate, I’ve had a really busy week. So busy that I’m writing this in one of the tiny moments of free time I have and I’m going to see how far I can get in as little time as possible. If you thought this shit was crude and unpolished before, prepare for the worst. On the other hand I might enter a zen-like trance of pure one-ness with the Forums. If that happens though, I expect my mind will melt under the full load of privilege and bitching and I will become a soulless vessel only able to make quips about how Cryx is OP and/or the only faction worth recognizing in the game. Or I could just write some stupid shit that is barely worth reading, that’s always a possibility.

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What I Learned on the Forums This Week 55


Apologies in advance for the slight late-ness of this article, I had meant to have it written last night but got distracted by some apple-pie flavoured moonshine. It was delicious. On the upside someone pointed out another thread I had missed in the meantime so this weeks installment will be slightly longer than usual! We’re all winners in the end is what I’m trying to say. I had a lovely vacation in Prague in case you were wondering. I didn’t even look at the Forums once over my week off and that was delightful. Also central European food is pretty tasty even if I’m pretty sure I can hear the sound of my arteries clogging as I eat it. Fried cheese is a glorious thing…. Anway, my food related ramblings aside let’s discuss a far more important topic: people saying shit on the internet.
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What I Learned on the Forums This Week 54


Hello everyone! Back to back weeks of On The Forums this month because I’m away on vacation in Central Europe (that’s what we call it now, right?) next week so I won’t be publishing an article then. Rather than force you my most treasured fans to suffer through two weeks with no new article I’m rushing one out this week just for you. Life is a bit hectic as I’m trying to finish up work and get packed for my trip so expect more spelling/grammar errors in this article than usual as I have even less time/desire to proof read it than normal! What can I say, I’m a classy guy. I hope you enjoy this weeks edition and don’t say I never did anything for you!
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What I Learned on the Forums This Week 53


Hello everyone! It’s been a little under a week since Lock and Load and that makes it prime Forum reading time! There weren’t that many new spoilers or surprise releases at Lock and Load so the Forums aren’t completely raving mad, this isn’t Templecon we’re talking about here, but there was enough to fuel a longer than normal entry this week. Trollbloods got new releases which means it’s a good time to be a forum commentator because those guys never like anything when it’s released. Maybe it’s all the beer in there but Troll players have the worst gut reactions to models of anyone, it’s fascinating to watch especially since I play Trolls. Don’t worry, though, this isn’t all Troll bashing. I am an equal opportunity mocker. Without further wasted introduction let’s get started!
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