Team Northern Ireland Player Profiles #4 – Eóin

And now we have the member of the team who is not actually from Northern Ireland: it’s a-me! For reasons too silly to explore now I usually don’t use my real name in gaming circles, but thanks to online registration and payment for various tournaments around Europe it’s surfacing more and more, sometimes even with my middle name thrown in for good measure. Take it away, me!
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Team Northern Ireland Player Profiles #3 – Mike

O Captain Our Captain! If you’ve seen “Life on Mars”, “Goodnight Sweetheart” or “Heartbeat”, that is Mike’s life, except in reverse. Due to a Mad Science experiment gone wrong, this 1950s gentleman was hurled 70 years into the future, where his nascent Warmachine skills could be properly tested. He’s also single-handedly keeping handkerchief and comb manufacturers in business. Lay it on us, Mike.

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Team Northern Ireland Player Profile #2 – John

It’s time for the second of our player profiles, with John! John is a proper doctor, not a fake doctor like certain other contributors to this blog, he’s got indecipherable handwriting and everything! He leads with a reference to soccer, which shows you that despite his vaunted profession he is still in touch with the common man. What a gent.

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Team Northern Ireland Player Profile #1 – Adam

As I’ve mentioned once or twice, I’m deserting President and country and playing for our Northern brethren this year at the World Team Championship in Poland. Since the lists are released this week, I thought it was a nice time for all the players to introduce themselves and their lists. First up is Adam. If you can imagine this entire post with a soundtrack of “The 100 Best Action Movies of the 1980’s”, you’re on the road to achieving Adam-awareness. Take it away, Adam.

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Finding Feora

The Seven-Month Itch

My name is Siskey and I am a Kreoss player. Any kind of Kreoss, it doesn’t matter( there are only three…Ed.), I’ve played him lots of times now. I’ve used every spell on those cards, feated, charged, whiffed, been assassinated and assassinated others. I’ve done it all, with those three. In the run-up to the Irish Masters this year, I decided to play the three incarnations of Kreoss and so played nearly nothing else for four months. Now, with the World Team Championships looming close, my natural choice for lists has settled on my two most familiar casters. It helps that they’re very good in their own right.

But as a Protectorate player, I’m feeling limited. Committing to playing nothing but Kreoss in competitive play has started to grate a little. The High Exemplar and the Intercessor are great, don’t get me wrong. But there are twelve other warcasters out there that I haven’t played in a serious game in months now. I’ve begun thinking of the aftermath of the WTC as my post-Kreoss phase.

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It’s in the Blood #11: Calandra

It has been a while since I wrote one of these, sorry about that. As you may have gathered from my previous run of articles I have been playing Runes of War pretty consistently for over a while now and I’ve finally begun to burn out on it. I’ve just gotten tired of playing it so I’m looking to pick up a different warlock and play them instead. One of my all time favorites and a warlock I’ve always considered one of Trollblood’s best is Calandra but I’ve never quite figured out where she belongs in the faction. With that in mind I thought I’d explore how to build Calandra into a list pair for competitive play. Warning, this first article will be heavy on the theory and a bit rambling in tone.
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The Sky is Falling 1: List Chicken is Here

There has always been list chicken in the game. There have always been skew lists and counters, high Arm and high Def, Madrak2 trollblood swarms and Runes of War, and the list goes on. People have always complained about list chicken. That is not the purpose of this article. I find that for most people the issue is tied to list-building. Their plan is to cover certain Factions with one list a piece. It is often my own.

I’m not sure it makes sense anymore.

Today I’m going to outline my experiences with it recently, and where I think it all began.
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Irish Masters 2014 – Lists, Pre-games and Game 1.

This weekend was the Irish Masters, the biggest Warmachine event of the year on this little rainy island. 7 of us from Cork made the trip to Dublin (which takes longer to get to than Smogcon!), 2 Legion, 1 Cygnar, 1 Troll, 1 Circle, 1 Menoth and 1 Ret.

After coming back from Smogcon and opening up my case to find my mostly assembled Khador now almost completely unassembled, and with the upcoming WTC forcing me to focus on a faction, I brought my favourite with me, Legion. I was playing pVayl, eVayl and pLylyth (Yeah, yeah, I know).

I very cannily brought my camera with me, then forgot it in the hotel on Saturday. No pictures for me 😦
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Warmachine: Vengeance – Ret Rundown.

So, we’re back from Smogcon!

Let me start by saying that this weekend was probably the best I’ve had in terms of gaming. Great fun, great people, great location and great games! Huge props to Norbert and the rest of the Smogcon crew for putting on a hugely enjoyable event. If you’re wavering as to whether to go next year, just do it, it’s awesome.

That aside, we had some more excitement shortly afterwards with Bell of Lost Souls posting up a storm of Vegeance spoilers, rounding out the releases for each faction with details about the remaining releases. As a resident ex-Rettite, I’ll be doing a quick (ha!) rundown of the Ret releases, to be followed by Khador, my thoughts on them and what they mean for the faction.
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How do the Factions of Hordes play?

Startin Armies

Here I am, on the road again…

Read the previous two posts here to get an introduction to the game itself, and here to have a look at Warmachine Factions.

Today we are going to talk about Hordes Factions. Warmachine is more about resource management and infantry, Hordes is all about big smashy monsters and trying keep control of them when you push them to go wild on the enemy. Fury is the resource of this twin system to Warmachine, in which your warbeasts generate the resource, and your warlock takes back to use as both a defensive mechanic and to power their spells. The first rule of Hordes is always leave 2 fury on your warlock! It will keep you alive!
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