
Muse On Radio is the best place to find all of your favorite Warmachine & Hordes podcasts. To simply view the most recent podcasts hosted on Muse on Radio click here.

Each podcast presented below is accompanied by two or three small images. The first, the logo of an RSS feed (click on the name for an explanation of RSS), provides a link to the RSS feed of the podcast in question. For instructions on how to subscribe to an RSS feed please go here.

Each podcast is also accompanied by a logo. Clicking on the logo will direct you to the category for that podcast on the Muse blog, there you’ll find the most recent episodes of that podcast.

Finally some podcasts also have an iTunes picture beside their logo. Clicking on this will direct you the the iTunes feed for the associated podcast.

Podcasts that have not updated in over six months will be found at the bottom of the page, these ‘casts are still an excellent listen and well worth your time, they are simply not currently active.

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Muse on Minis is…

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Beermachine is…

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CRA Podcast is…

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Elite Cadre is…

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Epic FM is…

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Gunbunnies is…

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Overload On Air is a debauched lesson about why the Irish are imprisoned on a rainy island in the Atlantic. Also Warmachine. So join Anto, Eoin, Siskey, Ciaran and the indomitable Stusan on a glass clinking, irreverent, always brilliant journey through the world of Irish Warmachine. Or don’t and suffer the wrath of the potato curse. Your choice.

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P & S Podcast is…

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Painting with Menoth John is…

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Troll Patrol is…

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Win Condition is…

The Vault
Beyond this point are the not currently updating members of Muse Radio.

These podcasts will be moved up into alphabetical order as soon as they update, so get on to any ‘casts you are a huge fan of!

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Command Check is…

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Grumpy Wargamers is…

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Team Atlanta Podcast is…


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Muse on Minis: Miami is…

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CogCast is…

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Crippled System is…

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Enter the Crucible is…

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Explicit Stories from Midsouth Gaming is…

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L2Wargame is…

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OzMachine is…

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P.C.G. Beta is…

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Road to War is…

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Warmans is…

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Your Turn Go is…

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Muse on Minis: After Dark is…

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Focus and Fury is…

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Mutineer Chronicles is…

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The Good, the Bad, and the Enlightened is…

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