What I Learned on the Forums This Week 61


One of my favorite reactions to people encountering these articles for the first time is the exclamation ‘Is this motherfucker serious?’ That, or similar statements, is a pretty common first impression of this series and I do so enjoy not helping to explain it to anyone who might be confused about what exactly it is I do here. That said, I think this week gets a bit crazy so let’s all just remember that this is a comedy series about comedy, laughs and, most of all, exaggeration. Also the WTC is just around the corner now and I’m unreasonably excited about it! I’m most excited to see Overload member Ciaran ‘Bulging Videos’ Bolger fight the Aussies in a mind scarringly gruesome kilt wrestling match. Don’t pretend you guys didn’t know I was a mental sadist, I read the Forums every day.
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Team Northern Ireland Player Profiles #4 – Eóin

And now we have the member of the team who is not actually from Northern Ireland: it’s a-me! For reasons too silly to explore now I usually don’t use my real name in gaming circles, but thanks to online registration and payment for various tournaments around Europe it’s surfacing more and more, sometimes even with my middle name thrown in for good measure. Take it away, me!
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What I Learned on the Forums This Week 60


The WTC lists were released last week and of course everyone on the forums was super excited and supportive of their respective faction’s lists. Well, most people were. Some people were insufferable assholes about it but that’s the way of the internet I suppose. We’re running slightly long this week so a few of the complaints have been ignored. If you want the full forum experience assume that every so often I complain about all Troll players taking Warders. Also conveniently I make no mention of Merc WTC lists because apparently the Merc player base doesn’t give a shit about the WTC. Instead they’re too busy nit picking and bitching at recorded games from the NoVA open because they’re asshats. I for one am insanely excited about the WTC and spent most of my time looking at the lists and not reading the forums. Thankfully enough people complained about stupid threads that I didn’t have to find them for myself. That makes my life so much easier when it happens!
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Team Northern Ireland Player Profiles #3 – Mike

O Captain Our Captain! If you’ve seen “Life on Mars”, “Goodnight Sweetheart” or “Heartbeat”, that is Mike’s life, except in reverse. Due to a Mad Science experiment gone wrong, this 1950s gentleman was hurled 70 years into the future, where his nascent Warmachine skills could be properly tested. He’s also single-handedly keeping handkerchief and comb manufacturers in business. Lay it on us, Mike.

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Team Northern Ireland Player Profile #2 – John

It’s time for the second of our player profiles, with John! John is a proper doctor, not a fake doctor like certain other contributors to this blog, he’s got indecipherable handwriting and everything! He leads with a reference to soccer, which shows you that despite his vaunted profession he is still in touch with the common man. What a gent.

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Team Northern Ireland Player Profile #1 – Adam

As I’ve mentioned once or twice, I’m deserting President and country and playing for our Northern brethren this year at the World Team Championship in Poland. Since the lists are released this week, I thought it was a nice time for all the players to introduce themselves and their lists. First up is Adam. If you can imagine this entire post with a soundtrack of “The 100 Best Action Movies of the 1980’s”, you’re on the road to achieving Adam-awareness. Take it away, Adam.

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