Irish Masters 2015 News Pt. 4a!

Siskey here again with more news!

Since the latest league season has been released (here it is!) I know that I’m not the only one wondering when I’ll ever have time to get some games in. There’s all this XP to earn but with an action-packed competitive play schedule when will there ever be time to earn it?

Fear not! The new league begins on the 2nd of March, so we’re slap bang in the middle of the season at the Irish Masters. I want to welcome all attendees to the Irish Masters Paths of Devastation League. As self-appointed League Commissioner, I will be recording your XP gains throughout the weekend.

All games played over the weekend will be counted for the purposes of the league. So whether you’re facing Don Hornacek or HRM Jocke Rapp I in the finals of the Masters, or playing a pick-up game against me, they’ll count towards your total. Just for funsies, I’m going to include ALL Privateer Press games in the league. So if anyone has a copy of Infernal Contraption or Level 7 they’d like to crack out, that counts too!

The upshot of all the XP gains is that you’ll have them to build a Hero. I will be running Scramble tournaments with the Riven Bonds league rules as an option, so as I’ve said before if you and 7 buddies want to play those rules fire away. I will also be taking sign-ups for interested parties.

Looking forward to seeing everyone tearing it up at the Masters!
Peace out,

Irish Masters: Further Details!

Hey everybody! It’s time for more news on the 2015 Irish Masters (March 27th-29th in Dublin!)which I’m sure you’re dying to hear about! Let’s start with the big stuff, shall we?

The 2015 Irish Masters will be on in the Mont Clare Hotel in Dublin which is in Dublin City Centre. It’s very near lots of accommodation options if you don’t want to stay in the hotel itself. Central Dublin is pretty small so anywhere in the City Centre, or the Ballsbridge area, won’t be further than 20-30 minutes maximum walk away.

Tickets to the Irish Masters will be sold via the Muse on Mini’s web store. They will go on sale at 7 pm GMT on Friday December 19th. Since Muse is an American company tickets will be sold in USD so the ticket price has changed slightly and now will be $50. An initial run of 96 tickets will be sold with more tickets made available in January. The exact number of extra tickets and the when they’ll be sold will be announced later.
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Irish Masters 2015: First Details, New Format!

The 2015 Irish Masters will be held on March 27th-29th in Dublin city centre. We’re just finalizing the hotel details right now and those will be available very soon. But we’re mixing things up this year with a brand new format very much in the vein of the US convention scene and we wanted to get this information out to you as soon as possible! In addition to the core Masters event we’ll be having several side events to suit people’s tastes. The Irish Masters is also pleased to announce that it is a qualifier for the European Invitational to be held at Clog Con next December. Not only will the winner get to become an honorary Irishman they’ll also get free entry to Clog Con and the chance to compete with some of Europe’s finest players!

Tickets to the Irish Masters will be 40 Euro which will cover entry into all of the events. Tickets will go on sale Friday the 19th of December. 

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Stem’s Weekly Reports. 4 – So…Who Actually Wins?

No spoilers or anything!

Hello again my wonderful readers! (All 3 of you) This week i’m bringing you probably my most exciting battle report yet, featuring just about the closest game i’ve ever played in my entire warmachine career! (Can you really call it a career?)

This week i’m throwing down a bit of my infamous Kreoss 3, pretty much my favourite caster in the entire game!

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Hacking the Cortex: The Pendulum

Cortex Banner


Today, I’m going to get started on the Tempo series. There have been several abandoned attempts to write the first article in the series, but in the end the only way to write something is to put one word after the last one until you’ve got a thing. To hell with organised thoughts, I’ll organise them after they exist, not before!

So onward, to the first of what will likely be many metaphors/analogies/similes wielded in my attempts to articulate tempo.
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Warmachine Vengeance Review: Cygnar

Vengeance is nearly upon us, and with everything spoiled it seems like a good time to take a look at what the book is going to bring to The Swans. What tools will they be receiving to continue the good fight, to hold back the undead masses, the fire-obsessed religious zealots and the inexorable march of of the big red machine?

Also Skorne, Trolls, Legion, Circle, Ret, Minions, Convergence and Mercs…

And, more importantly, how effective are these new tools gonna be?
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