Martin’s Martial Martyrdom: Part 2 – The Dominar’s Diet

Welcome back dear sadomasochistic samurai ninja vampire lovers!

As promised last week, in my introductory article, I will present my lists over the coming weeks and their favourite matchups.

Let’s start big and I mean notoriously BIG! I’ll try to not succumb to the temptation to think up a new obesity-related name for everyone’s favourite famine resistant Dominar each time I am going to mention him. Actually, I like him so much that I will dignify him with his own name! So, let’s take a look under the folds of flesh and see if we can find gems of wisdom instead of rotting bits of food.
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Martin’s Martial Martyrdom: Part 1

Hello fellow Warmachinists and Horders. My name is Martin and I have been honoured with the chance to share some of my thoughts regarding Skorne with you on this most formidable of blogs!
I have started playing Hordes towards the end of Mark I with a pause during the transformation process until the dust had settled and the Faction Books started appearing. Finally, last year, I started my travels to take part in bigger tournaments, mainly in the UK. I was fortunate enough to steer the Empire to victory at this year’s Smogcon as the overall Masters winner in addition to going undefeated in both qualifying tournaments, as well as the Irish Masters a month later. Unfortunately, the string of victories has been torn at the recent UK Masters courtesy of the Dragonfather. The battle reports can be found HERE, HERE and HERE. Continue reading